They made a desert and called it peace...

"From this date I date the ruin of all my fortunes."
--George Washington

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"
--Bob Marley


The United States is a corporation, which is one in the same as "government." Our purpose is to expose this and other corrupted facts. We believe in the Common Law, in the people's judiciary, in the municipalities' sovereignty over the Federal Departments, and in the individual's sovereignty above all other powers over Earth and under God. No rule of law has meaning. Rule of Precedent IS Law.

fellow bloggers who follow Thus Always To Tyrants

Thursday, September 4, 2008 under severe, routine attack by high level operatives Now Under
Severe, Routine Attack

We are being regularly hacked and taken down by the dark side. We cannot trace the exact point of origin but these are highest level ops...of that there is no question. We are back up now and profoundly appreciate your support. No other world news service is being assaulted like this so we know and all those who support its Freedom of Speech and freedom of journalistic inquiry are directly on and over the target. Thank you for your kind emails and gracious patience. We ARE taking more steps to upgrade our security but the opposition is literally the top of the Westen power structure seeking to remake America in its image. Something I am dedicated to opposing to the last. - Jeff Rense

1 comment:

splitbabyniblet said...

well, is down right now. it's 10am western time, saturday morning...

thus always to tyrants authors

Brandon Dean (splitbabyniblet)


Joshua Berry (tattoogeek)

you see what happens?

"I, like the arch-fiend, bore a hell within me, and finding myself unsympathized with, wished to tear up the trees, spread havoc and destruction around me, and then to have sat down and enjoyed the ruin." --Mary Shelley, from Frankenstein